Henoko Base Construction Countermeasures Division Executive Office
Regarding the request to retract the relocation plan to Henoko to protect the dugongs in Okinawa
The Okinawa Prefectural Government sent a request to the U.S. government in April, 2018, to have discussions with the Okinawa Prefectural Government and other stakeholders as required by the National Historic Preservation Act. The discussions would enable the U.S. government to give proper deliberation to the cultural significance of dugongs and the impact the plan has on them.
However, the construction work began without any discussions between the Department of Defense and the Okinawa Prefectural Government taking place. Also, a dead dugong was found in the waters of the northern part of the mainland of Okinawa. Therefore, we have sent a letter to three members of the U.S. government including the Secretary of Defense to request the U.S. government to retract the relocation plan to Henoko to protect the dugongs.
The request to retract the relocation plan to Henoko to protect the dugongs in Okinawa
Concerns for Environmental Impacts of Seabed Improvement Work in Land Reclamation in Henoko
On July 17th, 2019,The Okinawa Prefectural Government published Concerns for Environmental Impacts of Seabed Improvement Work in Land Reclamation in Henoko.
Notice of Revocation of Approval for Reclamation of Public Waters
On August 31th, 2018,The Okinawa Prefectural Government Submitted Japanese government Notice of Revocation of Approval for Reclamation of Public Waters.
Summary (PDF 29.5KB)
Notice of Revocation of Approval for Reclamation of Public Waters (PDF 53.3KB)
Appendix (PDF 295.0KB)
Contents of the Symposium on Henoko-Oura Bay “Okinawa’s Treasure, the World’s Treasure: Let’s pass it on to the future”
The Okinawa Prefectural Government organized a symposium on Henoko-Oura Bay on March 24th, 2018, with a view to raising awareness over the preciousness of Henoko-Oura Bay.
Following the keynote speech, experts from Japan and abroad, as well as those that have long carried out studies on the Oura Bay and/or engaged in its conservation efforts, contributed their expertise to the panel discussions.
Please find below the Summary Report, handouts as well as videos from the Symposium. Large diffusion is encouraged to protect the beautiful and precious sea area in Henoko-Oura Bay.
The Summary Report
Videos from the Symposium (Below are the links to the external website.)
Remarks by the Governor Onaga (in Japanese)(外部リンク)
Keynote speech by Mr. François Simard(in English)(外部リンク)
Lecture by Mr. Masato Yoshida (in Japanese)(外部リンク)
Presentation by Mr. Taro Hosokawa (in Japanese)(外部リンク)
Presentation by Ms. Mariko Abe (in Japanese)(外部リンク)
Panel discussion 1 (in Japanese)(外部リンク)
Panel discussion 2 (in Japanese)(外部リンク)
Panel discussion 3, Statement and Closing Remarks(in Japanese)(外部リンク)
Request for Stakeholder Consultation over the lawsuit on Okinawa Dugongs
On April 16, 2018,With regard to the lawsuit on Okinawa dugongs in the Unites States, the Okinawa Prefectural Government has contacted the Honorable James Mattis, Secretary of Defense of the United States and three respective Commanders of the U.S. Forces in writing as attached, with the aim of requesting stakeholder consultation, an administrative procedure in accordance with the United States National Historical Preservation Act (NHPA).
Request for consultation regarding Okinawa dugongs under the U.S. NHPA
Letter to environmental protection organizations.
On April 20, 2017, Takeshi Onaga ,the governor of Okinawa Prefecture, sent his opinion letter to eight environmental protection organizations to ask them to reach out to both the U.S. and Japanese governments to abandon the construction of new base in Henoko in Nago City, Okinawa,Japan.
To Director General of IUCN (PDF 61.4KB)
To Director of Washington D.C Office (PDF 33.2KB)
To Director General of UNESCO (PDF 58.7KB)
To Director General of WWF (PDF 59.3KB)
Send List (eight <8> organizations) (PDF 9.2KB)
The governor of Okinawa revoked the reclamation approval for the new U.S. base at Henoko on Oct 13th,2015.
Oral Statement at the United Nations Human Rights Council by the governor of Okinawa
U.S. Military Base in Okinawa
Okinawa Prefectural Government regards the Japan-U.S. alliance as vital. However, we have a concentration of 73.9% of the exclusive use facilities and areas of U.S. Forces in Japan in a land area that is no more than 0.6% of the national land area. Therefore, it is necessary to reduce and consolidate U.S. military bases in Okinawa.
With the realization of land returns of U.S. military bases south of Kadena Air Base, we can anticipate positive economic and employment impacts through effective land use.
Establish the prefecture as a hub of exchange by taking advantage of our geographical location, to bridge people, goods, and information between mainland Japan and other Asian nations. It is our desire to actively promote international contribution and do our part for peace and advancement of the Asia-Pacific region.
Map of U.S. Military Bases in Okinawa
Most facilities for U.S. Forces are located in Okinawa Island; taking up to 18.4% of its land area. Land area of Okinawa Island is roughly 1/3 that of Rhode Island, which is the smallest state in the U.S.
Land Area of Okinawa Prefecture:
2,276.15 k平方メートル/ 878.73 mi²
Land Area of Okinawa Island:
1,207.99 k平方メートル / 466.40 mi²
Land Area of facilities, exclusively used by the U.S. Forces:
228.18 k平方メートル / 88.10 mi²
Pamphlet:"U.S. Military Base Issues in Okinawa"
Okinawan History
U.S.Military Bases and Facilities on Okinawa Island & Its Vicinity
U.S.Bases and Okinawa's Economy
Marine Corps Air Station Futenma
The Plan to Relocate MCAS Futenma to the Henoko District of Nago
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沖縄県 知事公室 辺野古新基地建設問題対策課
〒900-8570 沖縄県那覇市泉崎1-2-2 行政棟6階(南側)