About the Okinawa Peace Prize

ページ番号1008393  更新日 2024年1月11日


Outline of the Okinawa Peace Prize (Past prize recipients, Introduction of the Okinawa Peace Prize Committee, etc.)

About the Okinawa Peace Prize

The Okinawa Peace Prize is aimed at recognizing efforts of individuals and organizations contributing to the promotion of peace in the Asia-Pacific region geographically and historically related to Okinawa.


The Okinawa Peace Prize is based on the following three ideas so that historical, cultural and geographical characreristics of Okinawa will be reflected in the promotion of peace:



The Okinawa Peace Prize will be awarded to reflect the following three principles:


Eligibility for the OKinawa Peace Prize

The Okinawa Peace Prize will recognize the potential future achievement as well as the past achievements of a candidate.

1. Promoting peace and non-violence in the Asia Pacific region.


  • Contributions made to resolving a dispute between two regions using peaceful means

  • Contributions made to the easing of tensions during a dispute or confrontation through interactive means

2. Helping to achieve human security, activities engaged in promoting basic

human rights, finding solutions to poverty, hunger, infectious diseases and the destruction of the environment and those activities contribute to enriching society.


  • Contributions made to the international effort for the prevention of global warming

  • Contributions made to the reduction of human suffering in a poverty-stricken region by supplying assistance in goods or medical treatments, which contribute to the development of poor communities

3. Activities that cultivate cultural diversity and mutual respect, and efforts to create foundations for peace in different regions around the world.


  • Contributions made in the exchange of music from one region to another, with the aim of generating peaceful relationships

  • Contributions made to the promotion of one's traditional sports in neighbouring

countries through mutual exchanges, which results in the development of friendships

*To clarify the above mentioned points, should the following items or occasions become or are applicable, then candidature will not be granted.

  1. Actions that are associated with, or accompany violence

  2. Public activities led by present national political bodies, or national political leaders, national government officials, etc.

  3. Theories or research activities that have a low likelihood of being put into practice

Nomination of Canidates

Eligibility will be considered based on the following four aspects concerning his/ her nationality and the place where the activity produced results.

illust:Nomination of Canidates

  1. Candidates and organizations from Okinawa and the Asia Pacific region who make contributions to peace in Okinawa and the Asia Pacific region.

  2. Candidates and organizations from Okinawa and the Asia Pacific region who make contributions to peace outside of Okinawa and the Asia Pacific region.

  3. Candidates and organizations not from Okinawa and the Asia Pacific region who make contributions to peace in Okinawa and the Asia Pacific region.

  4. Candidates and organizations not from Okinawa and the Asia Pacific region who make contributions to peace outside of Okinwa and the Asia Pacific region.

*Scope of the Asia Pacific Region
The Okinawa Peace Prize is not for a specific country but for the Asia Pacific region.
Using the geographical area of the Western Pacific and the Okinawan Region as a basic criteria, the term "Asia Pacific region" in this guideline indicates a wider area based on the following three points:

  1. Okinawan historical exchanges

  2. Okinawan migration exchanges

  3. The Battle of Okinawa and/or US military bases in Okinawa

From these points, candidate's regional qualification will be individually considered at the screening stage, from which a concrete decision can be made.

Selection Process

Once a nomination from designated person or organization in Japan or overseas is received, the Okinawa Peace Prize Selection Committee will determine a prize laureate.

  • * Only those experts that are requested by the Okinawa Peace Prize Committee will be qualified for a candidate's nomination.
  • * The Okinawa Peace Prize Selection Committee will determine a prize laureate from nominated candidates through an impartial selection process.

The Okinawa Peace Prize Selection Committee

  1. Moshin Morita (Former President, University of the Ryukyus)

  2. Akito Arima (Chairman of Japan Sciences Foundation)

  3. Taeko Nagai (Former Vice President, Japan Broadcasting Corporation)

  4. Gregory Clark (Vice President, Akita International University)

  5. Kinhide Mushanokoji(Director, Centre for Asia Pacific Partnership, Osaka University of Economics and Law)

  6. Hiroko Sho (University of the Ryukyus Professor Emeritus)

Okinawa Peace Prize Committee Candidate Nomination Method

  1. Pregectural People's viewpoint;
    A person selected who can represent the Vieupoint of the Prefecture's people base on the history and culture of Okinawa.

  2. Japanese People's viewpoint
    A person selected who can represent the Vieupoint of the Nation's people base on the history and culture of Japan.

  3. Viewpoint of International Peace
    A person selected who can represent the global viewpoint on international peace based on world situations and having experience in an important post of an international peace-related organization.

  4. Viewpoint of International Peace
    A person selected who can represent the viewpoint of peace studies.

  5. Viewpoint of the Peace Prize
    A person selected who represent the viewpoint of the purposes and ideology involved in the creation of the Okinawa Pezce prize.

Award and the Awarding Ceremony

  • There is single Okinawa Peace Prize which will be awarded to single individual / organization.

  • The prize laureate will receive an honoring certificate and an extra prize of 10,000,000 yen.

  • This prize will be awarded once every two years.

illust:Okinawa Peace Prize

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